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#Reports API

Setu Reports API provides you with access to transaction, settlement and refund data. This can be consumed to automate your reconcilliation process.

The request format is detailed below—

HeadersContent-Type: application/json

x-setu-partner-id: Can be found under Organization settings on The Bridge.

x-setu-env: Test/Live. This corresponds to the Sandbox and Production environment on The Bridge.

Authorization: Bearer insert_token_here. Read about how to generate this token here.

#Transaction Report

"filters" : {
"paymentStartDate" : "2019-12-31T18:30:00.000Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"paymentEndDate" : "2020-12-10T18:29:59.999Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"settlementStartDate" : "2019-12-31T18:30:00.000Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"settlementEndDate" : "2020-12-10T18:29:59.999Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
// payment modes you want to filter, we recommend skipping this parameter
"paymentMode" : [
"Internet Banking",
"Debit Card",
"Credit Card",
"Prepaid Card",
"Account Transfer",
"Bharat QR",
"platformBillStatus" : [ // bill statuses you want to filter, we recommend using only "SETTLEMENT_SUCCESSFUL" for exact reconciliation
"pagination": { // set your pagination limit for large number of records
"cursor": "", // use "nextCursor" value as returned by API response, as an input to subsequent API call to move the cursor ahead
"limit": 100 // min 100 max 500
"productIds": [ // list of all product IDs for which you want to fetch the records for
"reportType": "transaction"
"status": 200, // http status
"success": true, // success status of API request
"data": { // data in case of success
"metadata": { // metadata about records that match the request
"totalRecords": 2, // total number of matching records
"filters": {}, // filters applied
"previousCursor": "", // updated cursor position after this call
"nextCursor": "" // next cursor position for use with next iteration of pagination
"records": [ // array of records
"platformBillID": "517002663317996567", // Setu's unique ID for every bill
"billerBillID": "fb0e9146-466a-40f1-9bd6-e8d01d4940e2", // biller's ID associated with this bill
"billerMCC": "Loans", // category of business
"platformBillStatus": "CREDIT_RECEIVED", // status of the transaction, read here to know more: https://support.setu.co/support/solutions/articles/81000385479
"amountTotal": 1992, // bill amount
"deemedStatus": "NOT_DEEMED", // whether this bill was deemed success (upcoming feature)
"currencyCode": "INR",
"amountPaid": 200000, // amount paid by the customer
"paymentInstrument": "UPI", // payment method used by the customer
"paymentDate": "2020-12-10T05:43:30+05:30", // ISO-8601 timestamp for payment
"paymentReferenceID": "517002663317996567", // unique payment ID as shared by customer app
"paymentReceipt": "dceeb285-c4ab-49e4-a7f0-d37bdef3b906", // receipt generated against the payment
"settlementDate": "2020-12-12T10:54:30+05:30", // ISO-8601 timestamp for settlement
"settlementUtr": "CMS201022000BLO", // bank Unique Transaction Reference number for the settlement
"primaryAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXX060510", // primary bank account associated with the biller
"primaryAccountIfsc": "KKBK0000431", // primary bank IFSC associated with the biller
"primaryAccountName": "John Wick", // primary bank account holder name associated with the biller
"primaryAccountSettlementAmount": 198384, // settlement amount sent to primary bank account
"split": "YES", // indicates if settlement has been split into parts
"splitSettlements": [ // array with objects describing each part of the split in settlement
"date": "2020-10-22T10:54:30+05:30",
"utr": "CMS201023000BLO",
"name": "The Manager",
"id": "XXXXXXXX060511",
"ifsc": "KKBK0000431",
"amount": 1144
"bpcTotal": 400, // bill payment charge deducted by Setu
"bpcPercentage": 0, // percentage on the basis of which the bill payment charge is calculated
"bpcFlat": 400, // flat fee as part of bill payment charge
"gstTotal": 72, // GST charged on bill payment charge
"gstPercentage": 18, // percentage fee on the basis of which the GST is calculated
"gstFlat": 0 // flat fee as part of GST

#Refund Report

"filters": {
"createdAtEndDate": "2022-08-10T11:15:41.631Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"createdAtStartDate": "2022-08-06T18:30:00.000Z" // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"payeeVPA": "anothersample@okbank",
"payerVPA": "sample@okbank",
"paymentReferenceID": "1234567890",
"refundReason": [
"Order ID invalid in credit alert",
"Duplicate payment made against bill",
"Payment amount validation failure",
"Credit alert received after bill expiry",
"Credit alert not received from bank",
"Initiated by merchant",
"Source account info missing from credit alert",
"TPV check failure"
"refundStatus": [
"pagination": { // set your pagination limit for large number of records
"cursor": "", // use "nextCursor" value as returned by API response, as an input to subsequent API call to move the cursor ahead
"limit": 100 // min 100 max 500
"productIds": [ // list of all product IDs for which you want to fetch the records for
"reportType": "refund"
"status": 200,
"success": true,
"data": {
"metadata": {
"totalRecords": 39,
"filters": {
"createdAtEndDate": "2022-08-10T11:15:41.631Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"createdAtStartDate": "2022-08-06T18:30:00.000Z", // ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC
"paymentMode": null,
"platformBillStatus": null,
"productTypes": null,
"refundReason": [
"Order ID invalid in credit alert",
"Duplicate payment made against bill",
"Payment amount validation failure",
"Credit alert received after bill expiry",
"Credit alert not received from bank",
"Initiated by merchant",
"Source account info missing from credit alert",
"TPV check failure"
"refundStatus": [
"previousCursor": "",
"nextCursor": ""
"records": [
"actorID": "1234567890",
"amount": 1234,
"batchID": "cbpobt817cjflqbfl5r0",
"createdAt": "2022-08-10T15:48:29+05:30",
"initiatedAt": "",
"payerVPA": "sample@okbank",
"payeeVPA": "anothersample@okbank",
"paymentReferenceID": "222234971910",
"paymentTransactionID": "PTMDCWAAD8A02F7412B90DE8C32236D0494",
"platformBillID": "958135084945245239",
"refundReason": "Initiated by merchant",
"refundID": "958136906271525795",
"refundStatus": "Created",
"type": "MerchantInitiated",
"deductions": [
"account": {
"name": "",
"id": "0566102000016463",
"ifsc": "IBKL0002536"
"split": {
"value": 1234,
"unit": "INR"
"UTR": ""

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